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Marble Surface
Marble Surface



The biggest change in my life I thought, was raising my now 3-year-old granddaughter, at 58 years old. But in February the battle changed to Stage 3a Colon Cancer. The world paused for me for a moment, but I knew that God was in control of this not me. Music has always been a healer for me. Keep Your Eyes on Me, definitely has been a part of my heartbeat since its release in January of 2023. The Amazing powerful, heartfelt lyrics was something that I kept hitting repeat on, when I received the demo track first pitched to me. The world is full of never-ending distractions. We never run out of things to look at, and millions of things are competing for our attention every moment of every day So, if we Keep our Eyes on “Him”, the journey becomes easier, the path become less difficult to walk on. And on November 1st, I got the word that there is now NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! (NED) This journey has not been easy, but God has shown me Grace and Mercy! The opening Lyrics stay true to my heart as a person and as a lover of music, and most importantly someone who is a “Believer in the goodness of God:The biggest change in my life I thought, was raising my now 3-year-old granddaughter, at 58 years old. But in February the battle changed to Stage 3a Colon Cancer. The world paused for me for a moment, but I knew that God was in control of this not me. Music has always been a healer for me. Keep Your Eyes on Me, definitely has been a part of my heartbeat since its release in January of 2023. The Amazing powerful, heartfelt lyrics was something that I kept hitting repeat on, when I received the demo track first pitched to me. The world is full of never-ending distractions. We never run out of things to look at, and millions of things are competing for our attention every moment of every day So, if we Keep our Eyes on “Him”, the journey becomes easier, the path becomes less difficult to walk on. And on November 1st, I got the word that there is now NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! (NED) This journey has not been easy, but God has shown me Grace and Mercy! The opening Lyrics stay true to my heart as a person and as a lover of music, and most importantly someone who is a “Believer in the goodness of God:

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